
增稠剂或澄清剂, depending on the application — can be used to recover immediately reusable process water, 以及提取细粉等物料. 增稠剂用于矿物和骨料生产商, as well as by environmental contractors in industries such as wastewater management, 把固体从液体中分离出来.



The benefits of 增稠剂 can vary from user to user depending on the producer’s needs 和 the industry. 

例如, 增稠剂 can be used in locations where water is in short supply or very expensive, 立即向工厂提供可重复使用的工艺用水. They can also be used to reduce the size of settling ponds or tailings storage facilities. 与其他下游加工设备结合使用时, 如压滤机, 增稠剂有可能完全消除沉淀池. In some industries, they are used as Clarifiers to remove minerals 和 fines from process water.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全增稠剂, producers can recover up to 90% of their water for reuse to create a more sustainable operation. 它们是水稀缺或昂贵的地方的理想选择. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 增稠剂 also reduce the amount of material reporting to waste. This allows producers to reduce the size of their settling ponds or tailings storage facilities, 哪一种维护起来既昂贵又危险, 引起许可问题,并可能覆盖可开采储量.  

Most 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 增稠剂 (but not all) incorporate a low profile rake design with or without dewatering pickets, 和 the rake drive is powered either by a hydraulic power pack or direct coupled electro-mechanical gearbox. A modern feedwell design based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling ensures minimal flocculant usage. 可选传感器监测床的水平, underflow density 和 overflow turbidity ensure optimal operation. 


麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供一系列增稠剂,包括  高效的超Rakeless高密度 和 粘贴,这是为个人应用量身定制的. They can be used as st和-alone solutions or in conjunction with other equipment.

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高密度的增稠剂 discharge an underflow mud with a yield stress between 50-100 Pa.,可用离心浆泵泵送. They are commonly characterized by having higher side walls to provide enhanced compression effects, a steeper floor slope to assist with moving the solids to the discharge area 和 a low-profile rake structure combined with pickets to enhance bed dewatering. 高密度增稠剂可与地面, 平底罐或高架罐, which allow for shorter suction lines 和 reduced pumping requirements. 



高效的增稠剂 are used by the aggregate 和 mining industries, 还有环境承包商, 回收约85%的水作再用. This high-level of water recovery keeps water consumption at sustainable levels, as well as drastically reduces the slurry volume reporting to waste ponds. They use minimal amounts of flocculant to quickly settle the particles suspended in the slurry, 使高速率稠化剂环保. 高速率增稠剂可提供平底, 地面罐或高架罐, which feature short suction lines that reduce the risk of plugging. 


粘贴 & 超无Rakeless增稠剂

粘贴 增稠剂 achieve the highest possible solids concentration by gravity alone, providing maximum water recovery as high as 90% 和 discharging a mud with a yield stress greater than 150 Pa. 因为泥浆中的固体含量很高, producers can greatly reduce the size of their settling ponds or tailings storage facilities. 粘贴 增稠剂 feature tanks with high side walls 和 steep floor slopes to aid with the compression effects of the mud. A rake 和 picket system powered by a rugged drive helps create dewatering channels in the mud bed, 使泥浆进一步压实. 超Rakeless稠化剂(ULT)是类似的, but features a deeper mud bed 和 a steeper floor slope to assist in compressing the mud without the use of rakes. 

更多关于粘贴 & 可增稠剂



To determine the correct 增稠剂 for an application, the following 实验室测试 应进行:

  • 饲料特性
  • 沉淀助熔剂,以确定最佳固体的最大速率
  • Static cylinder testing at optimum solids to establish a free-settling rate 
  • 动态气缸测试以确认可接受的流量
  • 延长深管测试以确定泥浆停留时间
  • 屈服应力(流变学)曲线,以确定所需的前倾扭矩 
  • 指示性絮凝剂和/或絮凝剂剂量

之后 实验室检测, a pilot plant test can be used to demonstrate viability at a larger scale; however, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can provide a process warranty on the basis of laboratory test work alone. 

A lifting device is a mechanical attachment to the drive head that lifts the 增稠剂's entire rake mechanism out of the mud bed. 虽然并不总是必要的, a rake lift is commonly used to provide some insurance against bogging of a 增稠剂. Should feed or flocculation conditions change 和 process control tools are either insufficient or inoperative, the rake lift is programmed to activate once a pre-set drive torque is measured. The drive torque is assumed to have increased due to an increase in the thickness of the mud. 通过升降耙机构将厚泥剔除, the operator can buy some time to address the change in conditions prior to the rake drive stalling. 看看增稠剂是如何工作的 看看当扭矩条件高时,耙是如何抬起的. 

The role of the feedwell in a 增稠剂 is to mix the slurry feed 和 flocculant under the right shear conditions to promote the fastest free settling. It is designed to translate horizontal feed momentum into a gentle vertical motion. Achieving the appropriate velocity 和 shear conditions are critical to minimize the polymer consumption. The feedwell may incorporate auto or forced dilution of the slurry feed to obtain the optimum solids level as identified in the testing procedure. 看看增稠剂是如何工作的 to see how the feedwell mixes 和 distributes the slurry particles. 

增稠剂的成本因用途和样式的不同而不同. 请咨询当地 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全代表 to identify the most cost-effective option for your application.


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