Falling Stream Sampling Systems

落流采样器是一个一般的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全类别,涵盖了广泛的采样器设计. 所有这些设计都有一个共同的关键特征,即样品材料是从一个主要的工艺流程中收集的,该流程要么处于自由落体状态,要么经过某种轨迹, such as at the discharge of a conveyor.


落流采样器在设计和功能上更简单, 并且通常提供高可靠的运行和相对较低的维护要求. 这种采样方式非常适合要求最小停机时间的高流量应用, such as loadout systems.

Using a Falling Stream Sampler does have some limitations. 这种类型的取样器需要一定的垂直间隙来安装(这个高度因机器类型和应用而异), and they are sometimes more invasive and expensive to install. There are many applications for Falling Stream Samplers. McLanahan has a range of product offerings, 以及开发定制设计的落流采样器的能力, to meet the needs of your specific requirements. 

How Falling Stream Sampling Systems Work

Falling Stream Samplers come in all manner of shapes, sizes, and configurations, but regardless of the machine in question, 这种机器的基本功能基本上是一样的. A sample cutter is parked on one side of a moving material flow. When a sample increment is to be collected, 刀具驱动组件(因机器类型而异)将使刀具以恒定速度通过物料流, collecting a sample increment.

For diverter type cutters (i.e. 样品物料被从物料流引导到另一个区域), 样品增量被引导到采样器的样品排出区,在那里它要么被收集起来供离线使用,要么被传递到安装在采样系统中的下一个设备. Once the cutter clears the material flow, 取样器驱动器将刀具停在物料流的另一侧. 下一个增量是通过将切割器移动回第一个停放位置的方向来收集的.

If the sampler in question has a bottom dump type cutter, 样品刀具将以恒定的速度通过移动的物料流, collecting material inside it. Once the cutter reaches the other side of the material flow, 切割器将打开,将这些材料释放回主流中. The cutter will then pass back through the material flow, collect the sample increment, 然后停回原来的位置,将样品增量倒入排出槽中. 然后,材料被收集起来供离线使用,或被引导到采样系统中的下一台机器上. 同样重要的是要注意,一些底卸取样器可能在物料流的两侧都有一个样品排出点. 在这种情况下,作业将采用转喷器式切削器.

落流采样器驱动单元因机器类型而异,但通常是三种驱动类型之一. These are gear-reducer driven rack and pinion, gear-reducer driven chain and sprocket, and hydraulic cylinder.


Why McLanahan Falling Stream Sampling Systems

McLanahan提供多种类型的落流采样设备,以涵盖涉及这种类型机器的广泛可能应用. 干燥材料和泥浆应用的一些常见类型的落流取样器是挡板型(垂直或切向入口配置)。, 架空架(有多个刀具选择,如底部转储和反向勺), traveling hopper, Vezin, double Vezin, arcual and other, less common types. 落流采样器可以很容易地纳入新的项目. Additionally, all Falling Stream Samplers offered by McLanahan can be, and often must be, engineered for integration into existing operations.

落流取样器的基本设计和简单的前后操作模式限制了机械部件的数量. 部件数量有限,操作简单,使用寿命长,维护最少. 适当大小和位置的通道和检查门有助于最终需要的维护, easy replacement of common wear items (cutter lips, track rollers), 和密封终身轴承,消除了定期访问组件的需要.

Regardless of your application requirements, if a Falling Stream Sampler is suited to your application, McLanahan has a sampler offering to meet your needs.

Horizontal Carriage Bottom Dump Samplers


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如果一个不同的落流采样器选项不是很适合一个特定的应用, a Cross Belt Sampler could be used. 如果有关的申请涉及从卡车、有轨电车或固定地段取样, Auger Sampling Systems could also be considered.

落流取样器可以广泛应用于许多行业, including coal, coke, crushed ore, concentrates, potash, sand, stone, gravel, salt, bauxite, wood pellets and more.

Features & Benefits
  • 许多类型的采样器可匹配广泛的采样要求
  • Robust design for applications up to 20,000stph (18,200mtph)
  • 简单的设计和操作提供了长期的可靠性和最低的维护要求
  • 可更换的衬垫和磨损部件采用增强的耐磨材料制造
  • Multiple drive configurations are available (rack and pinion, chain and sprocket, belt and pulley, hydraulic cylinder, linear electric actuator)

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Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.